These are the poems that were written in moments that mattered.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Weakness, Crime Worse Than Any Other

This poem was written in the middle of two weeks of hell. I was so tired of dealing with one event after another, and pretty much just shut down for awhile. I was tired of doing anything, but that had its own consequences.

April 14, 1999  11th grade, age 16

Weakness, Crime Worse than any Other
The mind must think, decide.
Yet, time does not allow.
You must act the choice.
Immediately somehow.
But when a decision must be made, 
and there's no way to choose.
That choice makes no sense,
no matter what you lose.
Maybe another answer is there,
but strength to look is gone.
So you chose not to act,
and thinking carries on.
The punishment will come,
for not choosing at all.
Taking the time to think,
causes great to fall.
So, you really played no part,
in causing the crime.
But guilt is still in you,
for not stopping it in time.
So you deserve the punishment,
maybe you worst of all.
For you were too weak,
and chose not to choose at all.

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