These are the poems that were written in moments that mattered.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

April 7... I Challenge You

I realized my freshman year that April 7th was a cursed day for me. Over the history of my life (even at that time) April 7th owned a few breakups, a few fights, a broken wrist, being assaulted, and a few other things. It was always a bad day that warranted a long journal write or a poem. (Two in this blog already!)

By my senior year, I was scared of the day, but I also realized I had the power to change that. It would be years late before the curse would actually be lifted, but this was the last year that I stayed home and did nothing, just to avoid it.

April 7, 2000- 12th grade- age 17

April 7... I Challenge You
The curse of the day... April 7th. With your tears and rage and sweat... April 7th.
Who cursed this day of blood?
And made salt rivers flow?
What made this day ugle?
Will I ever know?

From pain to anger to fear... April 7th. With screams and shouts and hurt... April 7th.
Why do you haunt me?
Why dim the spring sun?
Coming quick and leaving scars?
Taking away the fun?

But I challenge you... April 7th. I stand and head the call... April 7th.
I will not break down.
I will not stop and cry.
You are a day like all.
You will just pass by.

Nothing makes you special... April 7th.Not double luck, no curse... April 7th
I'm standing against you.
Ignoring the 'evil' name.
I won't blink an eye.
I'll treat you just the same.

March, June, May... like you... April 7th. 2, 12, 9... like you...April 7th.
You don't give right to hurt.
Anger won't win today.
My courage is stronger than fear.
April 7th GET OUT OF MY WAY!

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