These are the poems that were written in moments that mattered.

Monday, January 17, 2011


After what ended up being an amazing summer full of stress and challenges, I was very proud of myself. This is also when I figured out the cause of my episodes of depression. They always came after challenging/stressful times- when life calmed completely down. It is like whatever chemical was released during my stressful periods, disappeared when it was over and left me in a state of depression until I got busy again.

Knowing the cause didn't make it any easier to live with. And it didn't let me stop it from happening again.

Fall 2002, age 20

The walls were up but they came down- all but a pile on the ground.
The guard grew bored and fell asleep- the gate was down, the kingdom weak.
People came in, people went out.
The strong walls were forgotten about.
When it happened, no one blinked an eye- no one noticed the enemy walk by.
They were few so they did little harm- they took only things held in one arm.
But news of the riches, the enemy spread.
They dared to cry, "The guards are dead!"
There was little time but a second chance- they'd repair the weak circumstance.
Quickly they rebuilt the walls up high- to never again let the enemy by.
They were built tall and rebuilt strong.
It was the best way to right the wrong.
Stopping only to pray they built them fast- but it was done well so they would last.
These walls were built best there was no doubt- no coming in, no going out.
The gates were locked, they key thrown away.
For the rest of their lives they'd live this way.
One may say, "It's drastic," one may ponder why- but never again will anyone cry.
Without such a defense the heart's a fragile thing- walls protect from what life may bring.
Better to die working while standing tall.
Sad to be overtaken for lack of just a wall.
So I'll work to keep the wall up high over the ground-
Never again broken or ever taken down.

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