These are the poems that were written in moments that mattered.

Monday, January 17, 2011

The Circus

These are my friends... the ones who were part of my crazy life. For so long in school I had juggled so many things, and often felt that I was doing it a lone. But then, I found these amazing friends who just added so much to my life. When I went to college I felt like I could conquer the world.

Friends... do you see yourself?

The Circus
The tent once again was set.
Fans faces perch in shadow.
At center ring I stand in the spotlight's constant glow.
I juggle for the first act, and wear the bright red nose.
I smile on the white horse and fight the lion's deadly blows.
Applause are heard at distant.
My check is securely sealed. 
And once more it is lonely until the other acts, revealed.

One had courage to swallow fire. His royal charm could flow.
But when he tried to still my heart I had to let him go.
Then, the boy wanderer, who lived on the trapeze:
He flipped and he flew and we left reality with ease.
With the strength of 20 ox the runner won each race.
When I needed simple truth I searched for his face.
Then, the city clown, so funny, with the same face each day.
Though life was a tornado he was constant, every day.
Another took me under him and back the lions fell.
Bravely, fighting for his heart,
To him, secrets I would tell.
She was glamour and beauty and she could draw a crowd.
Our heroines: each other. Each of us so proud.
The magician was the master.
The unknown he'd reveal.
Suddenly he's inside all, and I've learned to feel.

Many others came and went; each with a new flare, a touch.
No show was a repeat.
We all gained so much.
After the diplomas spread and all lives moved along:
We'd still shared the big top, friendships remained strong.
And, as the strangest part, the lost faces now were found.
Each cheered with the other-
Not so distant that sound.
Now the next tent is set with fans anxious in shadow.
And again I stand center ring,
Awaiting the spotlight glow.

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