These are the poems that were written in moments that mattered.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

The Wall

I wrote this poem in 8th grade, when I was feeling a bit over-protected. I was independent and ready to be on my own long before I was actually ready. My parents knew this, but it took me a long time to realize it. This is myself, at 13, wanting to be given more freedom.

The Wall
     I know more than they think I know, I know to avoid trouble places. I know about sex, drugs, and drinks. I'm not going to impress no name faces. I can stop things from happening. I can say no; I can be strong. Why don't they learn to trust the world? 'They've been her so long.'
     It's like they hold a grudge, from so long ago. I just trust the world around me. I know more than they think I know. For there is a hole in their wall, large enough for me to see out. They don't know it, but I learned what they world's all about.

     I know there is danger, but can avoid it; I can see. They think I must be sheltered. They don't believe in me. I'm flattered that they worry, but they've built their wall too high. Not only can I not go over, I can't see out, and ask why?

     I'm being sheltered from all danger, but I also miss the good. They don't realize I know it's all out there. I'd avoid it; I would. How can I learn new things, for they don't teach me? How can I meet new people? How can I truly see?

     Will I ever get my chance, to find my place in this world, to go? Or did I miss my only chance, and will I ever truly know? Why won't they let me out? Don't they think I'll find the right way? They need to put their faith in me. I need to use my knowledge...I pray.

     I've been ready for so long. I can make the best choices, choosing right over wrong. Do they think I'm trying to fail? Do they think bad is what I try for? No, I want to succeed in life. I don't want less; I want more.

     I know they want to protect me. They don't want me to ever fall. But if I don't get to experience life, I'll rebel and climb their wall. I need them to open the gates, and believe that I won't stray. They have to believe I know good from bad. I can find the best way.

     They must trust the world, must believe in me. Must put a window in their wall, so life, I can truly see. The hole is nice, but I'd like a better view. I need to be prepared for those gates, someday I'll go through.

     I want the gates left open, so I can visit once I'm out. So I can get the answers, to things they know about. I don't want to go forever. I'll come back some day. But I need to experiences life, find my own path, my own way.

     Let me know you trust me, and in me you believe. I'm ready; open the gates; let me out; let me breath!

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