These are the poems that were written in moments that mattered.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Out of Place

With my job in college, I got to spend a lot of time outside. I had so much time to just be in my own world thinking. One day I was sitting by the duck pond and I noticed this grass growing through the cement. It looked so strange there surrounded by gray. I felt a connection to it for some reason- as if I too lived in a place where I didn't quite belong.

April 12, 2001- age 18

Out of Place
Like the sole flower in the desert of brown and paleness
glowing bright with colors and making things 
appear out of place.

Living soft and sweet in a land marked by
sharpness and dryness makes it seem that
things are out of place.

Dying yearly and returning rarely on the old and stable
masters of the heat show that
things are out of place.

But that color lives because of the wetness of that
very master's veins that makes
things out of place.

So it is with green stems pouring through the 
gray squares of city sidewalks,
looking out of place.

It is colored and alive and growing through
a cracked, lifeless creation 
and looks out of place.
The leaf dies on its own and returns on its own unlike
the block that depends on man fixing it
where it's out of place.

But it has strength and protection and admiration
because it fights that concrete slab
even if it is out of place.

So it is with the person who has flare and passion and
fights to live true in a world where they are 
labeled out of place.

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