These are the poems that were written in moments that mattered.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

The Cause

This was written April 9, 1999. I was in 11th grade, and in 8th hour trigonometry. Two nights before had been pretty awful. I had a huge fight with my parents (over a boy). At one point I had bolted out the door to go run. I wanted to find someone to let me use the phone to call the boy. It didn't work, but it was a pretty dramatic night. This is me processing my feelings about what had happened. Prom was the next night.

The Cause
Run fast out of there, get away from pain.
Further, it can't follow. Can it find you again?
Leave it there and go. Don't ever look behind.
Use the pain for good. Clear fear from your mind.
Pretend you must go, not leave, but get somewhere.
And though you have no plans, you'll know when you get there.

Remember every name, every grueling angry face.
Bring back the slaps and struggle, let anger set your pace.
Barefoot, sleeveless, and jeans, at night in the wind and rain.
Don't let the coldness stop you, let it ease the pain.
Keep the focus ahead, block out all the fear.
Run for life and love, do not shed a tear.

Keep up the strength, the face. don't think that they'll find you.
Believe you are finally free, to yourself be true.
It may cause the pain, cause their strength to fall,
But keep going farther, you needed to climb their wall.
To go back would be easy, and you could admit defeat.
But it doesn't help you, you'd be the one you cheat.

For once, be selfish, think of your self this time.
Run farther, faster, stronger, do not look behind.
The power comes from somewhere, the limits of the years.
Now release the passion... hear the heart's cheers!
Be free, be wild, be you; let all the emotion out.
Let the wind blow around you, let your soul be free to shout.

Yet, get the help you need, don't forget to save the rest.
Here's your chance to do what's right, to fight to be the best.
The hate that is before, will try to follow and chase.
But you are running with strength; you can win the race.
They've made the dare before, but you always pushed through.
Now you have a cause to run, this time the cause is you.

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