These are the poems that were written in moments that mattered.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

I promise...

January 1, 2007
My new year's promise to myself...

I promise

I promise ...
to be happier than I was last year.
to return phone calls quicker than I usually do.
to be a better wife, teacher, sister, daughter, and friend.
to forgive.
to trust.
to stand up for myself when it is needed.
to kick ass when the situation calls for it.
to keep scum out of my life.
to not talk bad about the scum.
to limit my myspacing.
to do the laundry in trade for the floors.
I will show my appreciation more.
I will grade papers faster, and return them promptly.
Mostly, I promise...
I will do my best to improve myself. 
I will not change for you; 
I will change for myself.

 It is a new year...

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