These are the poems that were written in moments that mattered.

Friday, February 4, 2011

I am from

In my class, we wrote I am from poems today. This is mine-

I am from
     unicorns guarding me in my sleep
     dancing with pandas and Raggedy Ann
     flying to the moon in a cedar tree rocket ship
I am from
     red sand cracked like a broken mirror
     roads and hills covered in snow
     schools with doors that opened to the outdoors
I am from
     riding the fire truck down main street
     sock basketball on laundry day
     long drives to Idaho every summer

I am from
     blue and white stadium seats
     red and white running uniforms
     purple and white streamers in my window
I am from
     believing it would all work out
     respecting teachers and officers
     helping neighbors and anyone who called
I am from
     small towns where everyone knew me    
     classrooms where I was expected to succeed
     a home where I am very loved

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